Friday 26 July 2024

Media Censorship Under Modi 3.0


The PM never tires of castigating Nehru-Gandhi dynasty rule. But does the PM know who brought Parliamentary Proceedings into public domain?


Rahul Gandhi’s grandfather Feroze Gandhi brought the “Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication Act, 1956)” through a Private Member’s Bill. This made it possible for the media to report Parliamentary Proceedings. For ten years Modi has been hogging headlines with his speeches in Parliament. Prior to 1956 such coverage was not permitted and a suit could be filed against the journalist if there was a violation. Even the Godi media should know that if Feroze Gandhi had not brought a new law in 1956, this very Godi media would not even have been allowed to report Parliamentary Proceedings. What has Modi shown by way of gratitude? He and his Ministers, Presiding Officers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha gag Rahul Gandhi – his mike is switched off in Parliament; his speeches are deleted from Parliamentary records.


Modi Government is bringing a New Broadcast Bill, 2024 to gag inter-alia YouTube Channels, who are perceived to have spoken truth to the People of India during the 2024 election campaign and which led BJP to win just 240 odd seats!

Friday 31 May 2024

In India All Legislators – Including the Prime Minister – Should be Subjected to an Annual Medical Check-up – Both Physical and Mental



P.S. Sahni


The Indian Prime Minister has been lying and retracting from his public statements during the ongoing 2024 General Elections. It led me to delve into the personality of a pathological liar:


 A pathological liar is a person who is someone who lies to get his way. He is manipulative, clever and has an aim in mind. Concern for the feelings of others is completely missing. He may damn a religious minority like Muslim community. This is often a warning sign of antisocial personality disorder (commonly known as a psychopath). True, such a person may be able to love someone, but he cannot have an honest and healthy relationship. For example, he may marry but after a while he would distance himself from his spouse without even a divorce; it would not be desertion, too. He may have a weak grip on reality; He often believe his lies. He holds no value for truth; he lacks empathy and remorse. A failure to feel any guilt or shame about one’s misdeeds is said to be his hall-mark.


Very recently the same gentleman at the helm of affairs in India declared that he is not ‘biological’; and has been sent by God on a mission. But fellow countrymen /countrywomen have to be careful since when psychosis affects a person, he/she thinks of himself/herself as God. A team of independent psychiatrists/psychologists/counsellors could be of help.


A look at the 29-paged official document brought out by DoPT, Government of India states on page 1:

“Every new entrant to government service is required to produce a medical certificate of health:

To ensure that only persons, as are physically as well as mentally sound in health, are admitted to government service. Every new entrant including a part-time employee on appointment to government service/post is required to produce a medical certificate of health issued by a competent authority.

Where the post is permanent and the appointment thereto is made in a substantive capacity, the medical certificate of fitness shall be produced before such appointment.

[M/o Finance OM No. 45(1)-EV/54, dt. 24-3-1954].”


It questions the employee on page 4:

“Have you or any of your near relations been afflicted with … Insanity?”


Even a government employee at the lowest rung of hierarchal ladder has to undertake such a medical examination at the point of entry into service. This applies both to temporary or permanent employees.


A similar exercise should be introduced for all legislators at the point of entry into parliament/ state assembly; and annually, too; and also, SOS if his/her mental health so demands. It would be violative of the Indian Constitution if lawmakers are excluded from this medical certification.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Open Letter To The Chief of Indian Army Regarding Keeping Army In Readiness To Aid Civil Administration If Need Arises During 2024 General Elections


Respected Sir,


I am a senior citizen of 73+ years of age and do not hold membership of any political party. My family belongs to the Sikh faith.


In the last few weeks certain statements have been made by the highest in the country which allude to the largest religious minority community as intruders. Through hate speeches made during the election campaign an environment is being created which could result in civil disturbance and clashes. In a charged-up situation at many places this could lead to widespread violence.


Complaints pertaining to the issue have been made by many organizations and individuals to the Election Commission of India; several Police Commissioners for example in Delhi and Rajasthan; President of India; various statutory and constitutional bodies. Since the Election process is on, the judiciary cannot intervene. The Parliament is not in session. The Executive is not taking any steps since part of it is responsible for the current state of affairs.


We are all aware of the consequences of civil disorder leading to a civil war like situation. One hopes and prays that such a situation does not arise during the 2024 General Elections. But public memory is fresh about the Genocide of Sikhs in 1984; of Muslim Genocide in 2002; and the communal clashes of 1947 during Partition. The role of the Army in the aid of civilian administration is well known. However, there was a delay in the deployment of the Army in 1984 and 2002 resulting in preventable killings and injuries.


I appeal to you to ensure the readiness of concerned Army Units/personnel. The Indian Army being a professional and secular organization will rise to the need in case a situation of civil disorder/civil war arises.



Yours Sincerely,

P.S. Sahni

Member, PIL Watch Group


Monday 20 May 2024

Indian Prime Minister Damns Illegal Muslim Migrants Who Allegedly Produce More Children. Illegal Indian Migrants In USA Have Comparatively High Fertility Rates



P.S. Sahni


The Islamophobic campaign spearheaded by Narendra Modi is replete with speeches blaming Muslims on this or that pretext. In one such statement he refers to Muslim infiltrators from across the border – to wit Bangladeshis – who have a high rate of producing children. Apparently, the Indian Prime Minister has a weird worldview; one is not sure if he has read any book after he completed his formal education. Would he know or care to know that a large number of Indians try to enter USA illegally year after year? The total number is said to be 7,25,000. It is safe to assume that the vast majority of these illegal migrants would be Hindus, Sikhs as 80% of population in India belongs to the Hindu community. Most are from Gujarat and Punjab in search of jobs, since Modi government is on the path of jobless growth. This situation has become acute in the last 10 years of Modi’s rule. The issue has to be seen in a humanitarian way. Most Bangladeshis who enter India do menial jobs and are just about able to exist. They provide cheap labour and do not burden the administration for freebies. Worldwide such labour boosts the economy of the countries wherein migration occurs, legal or illegal.


It might surprise the Indian Prime Minister that the fertility rate of Indian migrants to USA is higher than that of those born in USA itself. Has Mr. Modi ever once called Indians going to USA illegally as ‘ghuspetiyas’ (infiltrators)? Has he ever condemned the high rate of fertility among illegal Indian immigrants in USA? Or such homilies are reserved only for Muslims from Bangladesh and their alleged high fertility rate? As I have quoted reports in this article, the fertility rate of women in Bangladesh are lower than that in India due to the successful family planning programmes. It is these women from Bangladesh who are being damned by the Indian PM.


The Washington Post (3 March 2024) informs:


“Indians have come to make up the third largest group of undocumented immigrants in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center’s 2021 estimates, which put the number of such Indians at 7,25,000. The immigrants are often from middle-class families”. (c.f. Bangladeshis in India who are poor).


Again (30 November 2023) states:


“Close to 21% of Indians residing in the US are undocumented, show data.”


In the USA immigrant fertility rate in 2008 was 2.75 children; for native-born it was 2.07; by 2019 Total Fertility Rate (TFR) had fallen to 2.02 for immigrants and 1.69 for native-born.


The Center for Immigration Studies reports:


“The birth-rate of illegal alien women was 3.1 children on average in 2002 or about 50% higher than the 2 children natives have on average. The birth rate for legal immigrants is 2.6 or about one third higher than that of natives.” Steven A Camarota (1 October 2005).


The New Indian Express (9 May 2024) reports:


·      Population growth rates are not linked to religion and the TFR among all religious groups is declining with the highest decrease observed among Muslims.

·      States with better access to education, health-care and socio-economic development such as Kerala and Tamil Nadu, exhibit lower TFRs across all religious groups. For example, the TFR among Muslim women in Kerala is lower than the TFR among Hindu women in Bihar.

·      Successful family planning programmes in Muslim-majority countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia have resulted in lower birth rates compared to India.


Is the Indian Prime Minister listening?

Saturday 18 May 2024

LGBTQIA Community and Muslims in India Treated with Hatred by Indian Prime Minister



P.S. Sahni


Both the largest minority communities – LGBTQIA members said to be 80-100 millions as per reference in Supreme Court judgement on gay sex delivered in 2018 and the Muslim community numbering 172 millions in the year 2011 – are treated with hatred by Narendra Modi. The Muslims are referred to as infiltrators and hence treated with hatred; the LGBTQIA members are born and brought-up in India and even then hated. The Muslims are alleged to be polygamous and hence hated; the LGBTQIA communities are even not allowed to marry and still hated. In fact, the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Attorney General for India and the Solicitor General actively opposed same-sex marriage in the Supreme Count of India. Also, BJP MPs in Parliament have stalled introduction of laws regarding LGBTQIA community for more than a decade. Even a debate on the LGBTQIA issues is not permitted.


It is just as well to remember that the Committee on the Status of Women in India found in 1974 that the prevalence of polygamy is:


Tribals:                  15.2%

Buddhists:              9.7%

Jains:                      6.7%

Hindus:                  5.8%

Muslims:                5.7%


The Muslims are hated by the Prime Minister because they allegedly produce more children. The LGBTQIA community is hated even though they don’t produce any children. Of course, it would be a happy situation if same-sex marriage is allowed and using modern technology such a couple could aspire to have a child.


The Prime Minister’s behavior is not logical in relation to these two communities. For diametrically opposite reasons the Prime Minister hates the Muslims and LGBTQIA members. Through deduction and logic, it can be concluded that the Prime Minister hates these two communities congenitally. The BJP does not accept a Muslim candidate for Elections on its ticket; it also does not let any member of LGBTQIA community to fight Election on its ticket. The BJP Election Manifesto has no word for the LGBTQIA community. The expression ‘sabka sath sabka vikas’ is a camouflage in relation to these two communities. If the government wants the development of the LGBTQIA community, the Prime Minister should first accept the existence of the LGBTQIA community before it can even talk of their development. Similarly, the Prime Minister should first accept Muslims in India as equal human beings rather than treat them as animals as has happened in the last 10 years e.g. the bull-dozing of Muslim properties; love-jihad; lynching of Muslims allegedly for storing cattle-flesh at home; or taking a cow for sale at the market place.


Modi will have to let go of hatred from his heart against these two communities. He should remember that if these two communities join hands, together they could form their own government on the basis of their strength electorally.